The Cure by Dan Paul & Jeff Cox (Hardcover)
Authors: Dan Paul & Jeff Cox
Format: Hardcover
Genre: Self-Help / Inspirational
Condition: Used - Acceptable
The Cure is a novel for managers about transforming an under-performing bureaucratic organization into a boundaryless, fact-driven management culture like the one that made Jack Welch's General Electric so consistently successful. It offers real, practical advice for overcoming political inertia, reinventing the company, and doing it in a year or less. By giving each key character a distinct voice, readers are reminded of people they have met and who may even sit in the desk next to them. These characters interact realistically and act pragmatically, and as a result readers become invested in how these people tackle their challenges and create real solutions.
Note: This hardcover edition is in used but acceptable condition, showing visible wear that does not impact readability.